Friday, October 24, 2008

Physiotherapy Treatment for Acute Stroke

By developing psychotherapy science, psychotherapist can cure early by psychotherapy methods when the stroke attacks. This method is helpful for the living because in this time many persons are attacked by stroke.

Below are psychotherapy treatments to cure the stroke patient:

Manual Lymph Drainage Vodder

After a stroke attacks (hemorrhagic or non hemorrhagic), it will happen infection process result ocdem in the brain. By MLDV, will help absorbed process ocdem, so healing process or regeneration process can be quick. We can give MLDV basic, abdomen and pallatum. We can do it step by steps.

Assist Scientology

By a touch assist, we can help to return communication between brain and body parts hit paralysis. And by a nerve assist technique, we can decrease patient depression. We can also give unconsiousness assist technique to the coma patient, so that he awakes faster.

Chest Physiotherapy

Stroke patient who sleeps too long time can hit hydrostatic pneumonia. This can be prevented with positioning (bobath method). If this pneumonia can’t be prevented, we can do chest physiotherapy by postural drainage, passive or active deep breathing, chest vibration and coughing exercises.

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