During therapy, the sufferers should take care the habits and Lifestyle.
Our body need to change the body cells about 1 trilliun per day. To change 1 trilliun of cell today need sufficient nutrients and minimum 8 hours sleeping time. During sleeping, we relax our muscle, change the body cells in the whole body organs. By sleeping sufficiently, the medical treatment and physiotherapy will be more effective. Nutrient is also effective to be distributed to the whole of our body during sleeping. Then, during sleeping, our muscle will be repaired and strong again.
If you can not sleep 8 hours at night, you can change by taking a rest or if you can sleep at noon after lunch time, by lying down your body on the seat at your work after having lunch. By sleeping
the body produce limsofit (white blood cells) which is needed to increase body immune.
Reguler exercise is also needed to do everyday to practice and strengthen our muscle, and the effect, our blood circulation is running well. If you have short duration sleeping time at night, you can do light exercise about 5 to 10 minutes, you don't need the hard exercise. After doing soft exercise, you can walk around your house or while doing house work as like cleaning the floor, watering the plant at your home. But if you have long duration sleeping about 8 hours, you can you harder longer exercise about 15 to 20 minutes in the morning. You don't need to force your physic to do exercise.
Stop when you feel tired and take the deep breath.
Keep your body temperature between 36 up to 37 degree Celcius. Warm temperature is good for blood circulation, cell remodelling(changing the body cells). To keep our body warm, by drinking warm water, taking a bath using warm water, regular exercise and avoid to drink ice. Sun bathe in the morning is good for therapy, it's about 7 AM to 10 PM. Sun shine is good for making our body to warm, to get D vitamin for processing calcium in our body and finally to make our bone and heart better and healthier.
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